Royal Courts of Justice


Sewage Outfall discharging into river
06 October 2021

Environment Agency climb down after Fish Legal pressure against the lowering of standards for sewage discharges

After the threat of legal action from environmental angling organisation Fish legal, the Environment…
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Sewage Outfall discharging into river
24 September 2021

Fish Legal mounts legal challenge against Environment Agency for lowering standards for water companies by the back door

Ahead of World Rivers Day on Sunday 26th September, Fish Legal has issued a letter before action to…
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04 August 2021

River Mole polluters not off the hook yet

Fish Legal is considering legal action against those responsible for polluting a 4.7 kilometre stret…
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Royal Courts of Justice
07 July 2021

Judge says Government’s promise to report on protected sites is legally binding

A Judge at the High Court has ruled that a promise made by the Government in 2015 to provide reports…
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11 November 2020

Fish Legal forces Environment Agency to back down over Hoveton Great Broad fish barriers

Anglers can today celebrate winning the first round in their battle to save an important bream spawn…
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River Faughan sediment pollution
17 June 2020

Fish Legal and River Faughan Anglers call on Northern Ireland Environment Agency to stop pollution of River Faughan

Fish Legal has “notified” the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) on behalf of its member the…
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04 February 2020

Angling Club’s dismay at Environment Agency’s lack of action over fishing lake pollution

Anglers have reacted with dismay to the Environment Agency’s decision to step back from tackli…
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