Royal Courts of Justice


Pickering Fishery Association
20 November 2023

WE WON! DEFRA’s River Basin Management Planning unlawful, finds High Court

In landmark ruling with far-reaching implications for UK’s polluted rivers Fish Legal and Pickering…
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Image by Christian Mathis from Pixabay
06 July 2022

Defra gives thumbs up to North Eastern IFCA’s dodgy maths for bass netting

In February, Fish Legal (FL) discovered that the North-Eastern Inshore Fisheries Conservation Author…
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Royal Courts of Justice
14 December 2021

Fish Legal says act now to stop Government hamstringing judges in environmental cases

Fish Legal is encouraging members to act now to stop the Government hamstringing judges by taking aw…
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Royal Courts of Justice
07 July 2021

Judge says Government’s promise to report on protected sites is legally binding

A Judge at the High Court has ruled that a promise made by the Government in 2015 to provide reports…
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Algal bloom at Kerne Bridge, River Wye
02 June 2021

WWF, Angling Trust and Fish Legal back in Court this month over agricultural pollution of rivers

WWF, the Angling Trust and Fish Legal are back in Court on 16th June after almost six years of press…
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Royal Courts of Justice
04 March 2021

DEFRA faces renewed court action on river pollution

With state of our rivers very much in the public eye since lockdown began, Fish Legal, Angling Trust…
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