Royal Courts of Justice


Southern Water abstraction point on the Test
01 August 2022

Southern Water drought plan for rare chalk stream faces challenge for failure to protect wild salmon

A proposal by utility Southern Water to lift restrictions on the amount of water it takes from the R…
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Davidstow Creamery
24 June 2022

Her Majesty’s cheese supplier fined £1.52 million for environmental crimes

The makers of Cathedral City cheese were fined £1.52 million and ordered to pay £272,747 in legal co…
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Corby Weir - River Eden
21 May 2022

Anglers launch legal campaign to help Atlantic salmon on the River Eden

A campaign has been launched to help Atlantic salmon and other fish species migrate to and from thei…
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06 January 2022

Fish Legal raises concerns over environmental impact of Heathlands Garden Settlement

Fish Legal has objected to the Maidstone Draft Local Plan because of the inappropriate ear-marking o…
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Algal bloom at Kerne Bridge, River Wye
02 June 2021

WWF, Angling Trust and Fish Legal back in Court this month over agricultural pollution of rivers

WWF, the Angling Trust and Fish Legal are back in Court on 16th June after almost six years of press…
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Royal Courts of Justice
04 March 2021

DEFRA faces renewed court action on river pollution

With state of our rivers very much in the public eye since lockdown began, Fish Legal, Angling Trust…
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Dredged sea bed
26 February 2021

Scottish Government ‘desperate’ to stop sustainable fishing trial

The Scottish Government have lodged an appeal against a ruling requiring them to reconsider a sustai…
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09 February 2021

Natural Resources Wales’ planning advice on Wye pollution ineffective say conservation organisations Fish Legal and Salmon & Trout Conservation

Aquatic conservation organisations Fish Legal and Salmon & Trout Conservation (S&TC) have wr…
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Dredged sea bed
11 January 2021

Fish Legal win landmark victory against the Scottish Government as the Judge rules Scottish Ministers acted unlawfully

Fish Legal has won a landmark case for the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation (SCFF) against the…
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River Lugg after works
09 December 2020

Statement on River Lugg ‘environmental vandalism’

What does it take to protect our rivers?  This is the question the Angling Trust is asking in r…
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